• Passage to Panama & Heavy Hearts

    June 2018 with my Dad having fun with Kyle and Max at Coba, Yucatan

    June 2018 with my Dad having fun with Kyle and Max at Coba, Yucatan

    We have not spoken about it publically, but my wonderful, warm father is fighting for his life against fucking cancer. His prognosis is grim, we are racing Ad Astra to get her to a safe port and marina so that we can tie her up and all go see my Dad and spend some time with him.

    All of us have to go through this with our loved ones. My heart breaks for my Dad, he is so in love with life and loved his work, and is getting more and more requests for his work to be brought to other institutions. He is so much fun, so thoughtful and full of love for me, Kyle and Max, and Kaiwen is heart broken as she knows my dad just 12 hours less than she knows me.

    I am grateful that we have had so many great adventures together - the beaches of Venice, Santa Monica, Topanga, Pt Mugo, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, France, the West Indies and Mexico. He has been such a cool grandfather and have inspired them both in many ways.

    Fuck. Cancer is bullshit.

  • A Sailor Sews

    I really enjoy sewing - I will sew until my body hurts.

    Naturally, I am surprised that I like sewing, yes we had an old singer cast-iron sewing machine in the house when I was a kid, but the 19th century machine with a massive foot powered flywheel was just a decoration.

    Dinghy Chaps, Tank and Engine Covers

    Dinghy Chaps, Tank and Engine Covers

    But now, living on Ad Astra full-time, fabric - specifically canvas is a central building material for this salty living.
    With hindsight, I should have seen sewing coming - I love crafting! In any RPG I play, I really get into crafting. The game we are creating as a family has crafting as the central play loop.

  • An Outline of a Solution to Climate Change and Politics

    Already 1C Adding 2B more people by 2050 Every economy must grow by 2-4% per year half before 2030, and go carbon-neutral by 2050 Must have a world-wide enforced carbon tax https://www.wired.com/story/we-need-massive-change-to-avoid-climate-hell/?mbid=social_fb_sci http://www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/ The New York Times summary of the latest UN Report on Climate Change Shared Socioeconomic Pathways “Without societal transformation and rapid implementation of ambitious greenhouse gas reduction measures, pathways to limiting warming to 1.5°C and achieving sustainable development will be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to achieve (high confidence)”